Farewell to Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer
Many who remember her handling the pandemic will not be sorry to see her go....
I came across an article in the Globe and Mail published at the end of January of this year, indicating that the Public Health Agency of Canada is looking for a replacement for Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam.
Apparently her contract is up in June 2025. As we all likely remember all too well, it was Dr. Tam who shepherded the Liberal government and Canadians through the COVID 19 pandemic. Through her guidance Canada became one of the most pandemic restrictive and locked down countries in the world. We all remember her first telling us how dangerous to wear masks, because we would touch our faces more or become too over confident by wearing them. Then she flip flopped and soon about the only place one could be in the country without wearing a ridiculous, and useless surgical type mask was in your own home. She went so far as to advise people wear a mask even when having sex, with someone new, and perhaps use what is known as a glory hole.
It was also Dr. Tam who oversaw the predictive modelling on the spread of COVID that was as far off the mark as one could get. As the following paragraph and chart demonstrates.
Dr. Tam’s February modelling chart, note the yellow and light grey lines predicting an extreme rise in COVID cases that didn’t happen.
Health officials can’t explain Dr. Tam’s rocket ship modelling
It was also Dr. Tam who oversaw the setting of guidelines for COVID vaccines to include children and finally even babies over six months old, despite clear evidence that children that do contract the COVID virus have very mild cases of the disease and likely didn’t to take a vaccine for which long term side-effects were completely unknown. It was also Dr. Tam who assured all of us that the vaccines were safe and effective, despite growing evidence that they were neither, of which she should have been aware. She also helped Justin Trudeau push the false narrative the the unvaccinated were responsible for spreading COVID 19 among the vaccinated and should therefore be treated like pariahs.
There were calls for her resignation as the Public Health Officer during the course of the pandemic but she remained steadfast that she was doing a good job and viewed the Canadian population as her ‘patient’. So I don’t think many Canadians will miss her upon her departure — perhaps to the WHO — where she has been heavily involved even during her tenure as Canada’s Public Health Officer.
But as we bid her farewell, I am re-publishing this article that I posted back in October of 2022 — wherein Dr. Tam was taking, as I say, dubious credit for saving almost one million Canadians from succumbing to COVID thanks to her medical expertise and using some very questionable modelling exercises to support the claim.
Then there’s memorable and embarrassing little gem — at Christmas promo, again coercing kids to get vaccinated and boosted.
So long, farewell, good-bye to Dr. Tam come June, I guess. Let’s hope her replacement is an improvement.
Canada does not need this witch replaced. We do not need another covidian preacher with advice that can kill you, your babies and grandma. She was creepy from day 1. The W5 of how she was given this spot, where she came from...is a mystery that should be solved. who she actually is, why she was given this role and her story around the WHO/WEF should be investigated.
Good riddance. What a bad joke Tam was ..sadly the cdn bureaucracy is full of inept ppl just like her