Mar 30Liked by Roxanne Halverson

Excellent and important analysis Roxanne!

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There is a long list of protesters who have & will face the injustice going on in Canada's courts. The big tell is the woman in Windsor who was acquitted of mischief and now the crown is appealing. I'm disgusted with any judge that brings political beliefs into the courtroom...they aren't supposed to and it's a major problem now. They make judicial decisions based on politics in China...so you know where we are heading folks.

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I don't get any of this....a protest is an act of mischief...all protests and union strikes, actually......potato/potatoe...... so what about all the church burnings, BLM protests, First Nations blockades.....oh, right, those were "peaceful" protests..... I thought that once it was established that the EMA was unjustified and that the protest was never deemed illegal, that this would go away.....

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In Canada, freedom will not be restored by peaceful means. Canadians have a lot to learn from the Old IRA.

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BTW, keep up the great writing Roxanne

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