Aug 25Liked by Roxanne Halverson

There needs to be an independent inquiry. Where is our Premier on this nonsense and why is she not speaking out as to the mistreatment of these men. This nonsense has gone on long enough!!! They do not want them out of jail as they are afraid they will speak to journalists that should have interviewed them long ago. The Trudeau regime and these horrifying Justice Department needs to go down in a ball of flames with every single one removed, financially destroyed, never to work again. Just as they have done to these men. Unbelievable.

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Aug 27Liked by Roxanne Halverson

Thank you Roxanne for this brilliant, accurate and thorough reporting on this case. I now know nearly all of the people involved, Tony and his posse especially, and am tearing my hair out at this point, that they're still in jail while this BULLSHIT goes on and on! In the "old days" we'd all be at the remand center in Lethbridge with our pitchforks and torches, but the criminal cartel "governing" us, has made their point. We will be persecuted and prosecuted to the ends of the earth is we so much as make a facebook post that questions any of their criminal mandates. Words fail me. Our once great country is being destroyed before our very eyes while a great percentage of out population blissfully sleeps. I have no faith in a "Royal (my ass) Commission" as we've all seen how it goes when the criminals investigate themselves. EVERYthing is broken. What is to be done I ask. What is to be done?

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You are so very right in all that you have said. As to what can be done, I too am at a loss. With an already Liberal-leaning media that is beholding to the Liberal government for most of their salaries, it is an uphill battle to try and get media coverage that will expose what has gone on here so that a far greater number of Canadians will wake up to the corruption, because as you say most are blissfully asleep and I know a good number of them. Perhaps when the government attacks something or someone close to them for no good reason they will wake up, but them it will be too late. We all should remember the maxim... first they came for x, but I wasn't x for I did nothing, then they came for xx and I did nothing because I wasn't xx, then they came for xxx and I did nothing because I wasn't xxx, and then they came for me... and there was no one left do so something to stop them from coming for me.

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Well its just the same old story. I cant say I am surprised..of course they will appeal this and try to get a conviction on the worse charge as they need to try and make it look like these guys were very dangerous. The stakes are too high. What I dont quite understand is the connection between the crown (Alberta) and the Trudeau government. Why is an Alberta prosecutor so hell bent on going after these guys. One would think Alberta normally is the last place which would be in cahoots with the Federal government. I have personally more or less given up on justice being served here in Canada especially with respect to any Freedom Convoy stuff. Most judges are Liberal appointees, the mass media brainwashed 80-90 percent of the population, and we have a very corrupt political system. Even if Poilievre wins (if he survices the onslaught of negative hit pieces on him and his party over the coming year) not convinced he will do much to help the Freedom Convoy members fighting the justice system. He has said and done little as it is after kind of supporting the Convoy initially.

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Any news from the commie Arif Varani for his appel of the EA? I haven't heard a thing.

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Nothing that I have heard.

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Thanks for the update. Pro Patria.

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