Sep 8Liked by Roxanne Halverson

It’s time to stop saying the Trudeaus have a “love for” or are “fans of” communism. By their fruits ye shall know them. They are Marxists plain and simple. Atheists claiming to be Roman Catholics. Promoters of abortion. Promotion of eugenics. Clamping down on the Freedom Convoy but supporting BLM. Forcing the Marxist controls of the UN and the WHO on Canadians through One Health, EV mandates, and on it goes. Their hatred for Canada knows no bounds.

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Sep 7Liked by Roxanne Halverson

I call him


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Agreed that is another thing that Justin inherited from his father.

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Sep 6Liked by Roxanne Halverson

Great work you've done here, Roxanne, as always.

One criticism though:

"...little Justin may well have received a thorough schooling in the doctrines of communism, Marxism, authoritarianism and Fascism at his father’s knee."

It's become common to lump fascism in together with communism because of the disdain historical Fascists had for democracy, but fascism (like it or not) is actually diametrically opposed to communism.

This is not well understood, because it was essentially communist/Jewish forces that won WWII, and history is written by the victors. Hitler's fascist NSDAP was birthed in an effort to protect Germany - and Europe - from Soviet (Jewish) communism.

That's a difficult idea to take in without a lot of digging around for historical truth, but I hope that writers like you and readers of stacks like this one will at least start to wonder about how many lies we have all been told for most of our lives. I know it's been a long journey for me.

But I return to my original statement - this was a great article. Thank you.

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Sep 7Liked by Roxanne Halverson

So basically, Justin is a brain dead version Pierre🤔

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That would be something I didn't get to in my piece. While Trudeau Jr. may have gotten his communist leanings and autocratic nature from Papa Trudeau, he did not inherit his intellect. Love him or hate him, you can't take away the fact that Pierre Trudeau was smart, and alas his son is not.

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Sep 8Liked by Roxanne Halverson

More of his mum than his dad no doubt

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Interesting read, I knew PET was a fan of communism but I didn’t realize how deeply it ran. Also had no idea about the failed canoe pilgrimage to Cuba, unreal that the Americans would have allowed that.

I recall a quote where Richard Nixon referred to Pierre Trudeau as a ‘pompous egghead’ which I think at least gets it half right for Justin as well.

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Sep 11Liked by Roxanne Halverson

Fascinating article, you clearly know your history. Thanks for confirming without a doubt that Justin is Pierre’s son through and through other than as you say clearly not inheriting his father’s brains!

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Sep 9Liked by Roxanne Halverson

I agree that the Castro story about Justin being his son is so juvenile and such a waste of time. It makes a lot of conservatives look like dumb hicks. Unfortunately a lot of the youtube content produced by right wing commentators is juvenile and is not helping get Poilievre elected. Its the type of stuff that will give ammunition to the left wing media and politicians to make the Cons look bad and dangerous.

And you are so right Roxanne that the point is that both Pierre and Justin clearly have communist tendencies and thats the real point. Lets talk about this and the facts not some hair brained story that Justins mom had a fling with Fidel..

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Thank you so much. You get the point I thought I was clearly making. Unfortunately some of my commentators still want to cling to the Castro conspiracy. And you are so right, it makes any serious conservative pundits who give credence to this type of thing look completely unserious.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Roxanne Halverson

I like your article, Roxanne. I read an article by someone who matched Pierre and Marg's visit to Cuba near the time frame of Margaret's Stay with Fidel and her pregnancy. Apparently, Pierre had to go on business for a few days and left Marg behind to entertain Fidel. (such a record is traceable) Knowing of her mental instability and party habits (snort snort) I bet she boinked Fidel the whole night long. lol, Of course, only a blood test would confirm Justin's pappy. And, either way, Pierre and Fidel were both commies. If I find the article I'll post it.

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I think I made it clear in the article that they visited Cuba in 1976. By that time Justin was five years old. So whether she stayed with Fidel or bonked him is a moot point, unless that article can verify that she and Pierre were in Cuba either shortly before or after their marriage, which was in March of 1971, Justin was born ten months later. So unless there is a record of Margaret being in Cuba shortly after her marriage to Pierre, I think it’s bunk, unless they went there for their honeymoon—does this article you refer to have a record of that. Why are people so fixated on Trudeau being Castro’s son? Does it change anything about Trudeau’s communist or Marxist leanings, given that senior Trudeau, it is pretty clear had the same leanings.

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The first official visit was in 1976 but Margaret and Pierre went to the Caribbean on their second honeymoon in 1971. They visited a number of different islands including an undisclosed one. If that island was Cuba and if they met Castro then it is possible based on timing. https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/41523862/

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Yes, I know about that. It still is a stretch. This is just a month or so after their marriage, so do you really think that would be when Castro did the deed with Maggie. My whole point in writing the article and doing the research about Trudeau senior — a believe me there was a lot more I could have included about his being a commie, is that detractors of Justin, don’t need to float a conspiracy theory about Castro being Trudeau’s father. Making such claims just makes they look kooky, kind of like Obama detractors swearing up and down he wasn’t born in the US. Justin Trudeau comes by his communist and authoritarian bent quite honestly — passed on both genetically and pedantically from dear old dad — Papa Trudeau. What he did not inherit is his father’s intellect.

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Excellent article and very apropos considering there was just another poll on X about the greatest Canadian PM ever.

As a western Cdn I have no love for this man but he still seems to be a popular guy in parts of this country and I am glad to see more true data coming out about him. I don't know if he started Cdns down the road to socialism or if Cdns have always been socialists at heart but either way the PET era seems to be the start of Canada's decline.

Long live the 'greatest' PM ever 😒.

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The problem with people thinking PET was one of our greatest PM’s is again the media who had and still have a major love fest for the guy. It also has to do Canadian’s own inferiority complex. Pierre Trudeau with his flair for garnering attention and dating Hollywood actresses made people pay attention to Canada, he put Canada on the international stage and Canadians loved it. They particularly loved the idea of the US paying attention to Canada because of Trudeau’s antics. Hence our inferiority complex at work. Beyond his love of communism, PET stoked the flames of western alienation with his National Energy Program, demonstrated his authoritarian nature with his crazy wage and price controls in an effort to control the inflation that he had caused with his unbridled spending. It took four decades and some four governments starting with Brian Mulroney, but including Liberal governments to pay down the debt that Trudeau senior left behind. The only greatness of Trudeau senior was his ego, another thing his son has in common with him.

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Is Jacques Hebert the father of journalist Chantal Hebert?

It would be fitting.

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Can’t find anything to confirm that or not.

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Margaret Trudeau was a randy little thing. Many recall the rumors that she was banging Keith Richard of the Rolling Stones (in his autobiography, Keith makes it clear that Mags was screwing Bill Wyman). But none of that has anything to do with the Trudeau's love of communism. I just think it is a mistake to insist that Pierre was Justin's father.

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Maggie married Trudeau in March of 1971 and Justin as born 10 months later. Unless someone can account for who Maggie was banging in those months in between, which is a pretty narrow margin for error. Yes, Maggie was a 'randy little thing' as you suggest, however, math does matter when it comes to pregnancy and gestation times. Why, oh why are people so attached to the idea that Pierre isn't his father, and yes it does have something to do with Trudeau's love of communism, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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