Jul 5Liked by Roxanne Halverson

I agree with all the important points you have brought up. Impossible to trust police after this travesty. Words cannot express how disgusting this situation is. Worse than a banana republic

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Jul 4Liked by Roxanne Halverson

Well, I think the RCMP has become synonymous with the Stazi police of Eastern Europe back in the day. They are the government's enforcement arm that enforced illegal mandates on the population while they cover up for Trudeau's multiple crimes like it was nothing. The RCMP should be shut down because they only serve to oppress citizens as the government commands them. They don't enforce the Charter of Rights but rather work against citizenship and harm us. The rule of law becomes the law to rule. I don't trust the RCMP and I've lost faith in our legal system. This is what happens when you allow the WEF to infiltrate and become an extended arm of our government. Canada is an occupied country by a foreign entity allowing for treasonous conduct to go unpunished. That's where we're at now. Pierre Poilievre said that he would not allow any members of his cabinet to be WEF'ers. I hope he keeps his word.

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You have captured pretty much everything my husband and I believe about what is happening to our country under Trudeau. He is a WEF sycophant and every move he makes is to ingratiate himself to that disgusting Klaus Schwab at not see him as the caracature of a villain from a Bugs Bunny cartoon is beyond me. But as long as Trudeau remains PM this will continue. And I like you can only pray that Poilievre means what he says when he talks about the WEF.


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Jul 4Liked by Roxanne Halverson

The process is the punishment...

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Excellent work, Roxanne.

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Thanks Gord. It took awhile to get it done with our daughter home for the month and wanting to spend time with her. And now, I am heading out to BC tomorrow to continue our visit out on the coast.

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Roxanne did you see this article from the Toronto Star about the Coutts trial?


Its so frustrating to read garbage like this..the title already basically implies these men were very dangerous and hence the Freedom Convoy was very dangerous. Its pretty much what I expect but how do we ever expect average Canadians to know the truth when the mainstream media spreads such dis/misinformation?

I am so happy that you, Trish, Gord and Donna Laframboise are writing truth on this subject but so many Canadians only read and watch the mainstream garbage and the politicians know it. Hence how do we break through and get the truth to most Canadians? I constantly deal with Canadians who look at me like I am crazy when I tell them my beleifs because they only watch CBC, CTV, etc. Many people especially the 50+ crowd believe that pretty much everything in the mainstream media is the truth.

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The Toronto Star is such a piece of left wing garbage I can barely stand to read anything in it. They bought into the Trudeau propaganda about the Freedom Convoy from the get go, so what they are writing about for this trial comes as no surprise. People like Trish, Gord, Donna and myself share your frustration in how the media have been so negligent in covering the horrible travesty that has happened to these men. Gord and myself, have both written letters to media outlets asking why they are ignoring the story. I have sent letters to the National Post and even True North asking why they are ignoring what has been going on with travesty of justice, but get no response. I have sent copies of my articles to Conservative MPs, with again, no response. It is a mystery, that none of us have been able to fully understand on how one of the biggest stories and travesties of justice occurring in a country like Canada is being completely ignored. I know, I ask people just out of curiosity sometimes if they have ever heard of the Coutts Four and they haven't and when I proceed to tell them what has happened they find it unbelievable and of course the next question is always... then why haven't I heard anything about this in the media. And then of course, the media, who have ignored everything that has happened to these guys during their incarceration are now covering the trial because these Trudeau sycophants to can pick up where they left off when condemned them and assumed their guilt in their initial coverage, based on the lies told by the RCMP when they made the arrests.

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Jul 8Liked by Roxanne Halverson

I am not surprised many Cons do not want to touch this story. If they do then the Liberals and NDP with their legacy media presstitutes will come down hard on them and say they support right wing terrorists..blabla. The mainstream narrative, which 80-90 percent of Canadians believe, is that these are dangerous criminals who wanted to kill police officers..it doesnt matter what the facts are..nobody likes potential cop killers.

I dont blame the Cons either because I tell you the Liberals and NDP and the media are going to go into hyperdrive trying to demonize Poilievre and the Cons by 2025. They are going to bring back their connections to the Freedom Convoy and how dangerous and radical that was (most Canadians think so too), they will talk about the MPs who met that scary German MEP Christine Anderson, the trailer Poilevre walked out of with the Diagolon flag and so on. These have not hurt Poilievre so far but as the election nears they are going to dig up and/or make up more scary stuff and if the Canadian people believe it then the Cons will lose a lot of support.

I think too many Cons and their supporters have gotten cocky and sloppy lately. They think their 20 point lead is bulletproof. Lets not forget that Trump could very well win and this will be used against Poilievre also as they will say he is just like Trump and most Canadians dont like Trump.

Look at what just happened in France. The right wing party did very well in the European Union elections a month ago and won. Then the media and left wing parties started the massive fear mongering campaign about how dangerous Le Pen and her party are..ie effectively saying they had Nazi roots, they were racist and so on. It worked like a charm and in the second round Le Pens party did mush worse than expected..finishing in third place. Instead the extreme left wing parties won even though its effectively a hung parliament. But the point is that fear works very effectively..we saw it with COVID, the war on terror, etc. The Liberal playbook and their only hope of winning is painting the Cons as racists, homophobic, sexist and so on.

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All of it so very sad but true and with media in their back pockets it is not hard to start the narrative and keep it going. Just look how effectively it worked with the Convoy. Shortly after the EA was invoked and poll showed that 60 percent of Canadians believed the Trudeau government did the right thing invoking. The really frightening thing is that even the freezing of bank accounts didn’t seem to phase people and give them a wake up call as to how totalitarian that move was and could be used on them.

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Excellent questions and analysis! It's frightening to know that these travesties of justice are happening in Canada.

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And this is only what we know about

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Jul 14Liked by Roxanne Halverson

Yes, that's true and even more terrifying!

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Same as with Covid. One would hope one day they'll all realize they've been lied to, big time.

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We can only hope Heidi, we can only hope.

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Top notch work here, Roxanne.

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Thank you

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