Trump Wins Big, Despite Concerted Efforts on all Fronts to Thwart Him
The common people spoke, but the question is, will the elites listen?
Yes, I know it has been awhile, and apologies to my readers, subscribers and followers. I did take a bit of a hiatus for personal reasons, and I also just needed a break from all the ‘noise’ out there, so to speak.
But alas, I cannot resist commenting on the outcome of the US election – particularly after all the bombastic bluster, hyperbole, gas lighting and just plain lying from the Democrats and the regime media in their valiant, yet vein efforts to crown Queen Kamala and keep Trump out of the White House.
But, before I begin my ‘analysis’ I will give you this little ditty that I composed from the last verse of the well known poem Casey at the Bat to briefly comment on the election.
For many in the States today, the sun is shining bright; crowds are cheering everywhere much to Trump’s delight. Ordinary folk are laughing, while elites wail and pout; for the JOY is gone for the Dems today — Kamala’s JOY campaign has struck out.
The bulk of the American media in its endeavour to clear the path to the presidency for Harris tore off its mask for good and exposed the thinly veiled fact that it is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party — a not a particularly effective one it would seem.
Because, despite it all Donald J. Trump emerged victorious to become the 47th President of the United States and only the second American president in U.S. history to serve two non-consecutive terms since 1897 – Grover Cleveland was the first. Trump not only won — he rode to that victory with a monumental landslide. Something that had not been predicted by the pollsters, certainly not the regime media, and not even by major independent media broadcasters and pod casters. It is unequivocally a historical comeback that will certainly go down in the history books. And a landslide was what Trump had to have, otherwise there would have been the usual electoral denials that are only allowed by the Democrats when they lose close elections.
This win, fortunately, has made that Democrat playbook impossible because it was so resounding. Trump clobbered Harris in Electoral College winning at total of 312 votes compared to Harris’s 224. He won all seven of the ‘battleground states’ and in the process flipped Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan. He also became the first Republican President to win the popular vote since George Bush won it in 2004.
Republicans also took control of the Senate, after three years of Democrat control, and it is very likely they will maintain control of the House of Representatives, as votes continue to be counted and winners declared. If that occurs it will be a clean sweep for the Republicans.
So what can we take away from this election, besides the sheer power of the Trump persona and the MAGA movement itself — because that is what it was. First and foremost, it that it was a resounding victory for democracy, for free speech, and finally the common people, all of which have been under attack in the US and other many western countries, including Canada, for the past decade.
Working class Americans are a resilient bunch and finally the working men and women – the backbone of the country – the people who do the real work that the elites ignore, disdain and despise, but couldn’t survive without. They build and maintain the critical infrastructures that deliver electricity, heat and water to homes, in their trucks they drive the highways hauling the groceries and goods that stock the shelves in stores across the country. They – unlike Kamala, do work at McDonald’s or Walmart; they pave and clean the roads, they build the houses, they collect the garbage, they plant and harvest the crops, they drive the cabs and buses, and they go to war and fight and die in those wars often in foreign lands. These are Joe Biden’s ‘garbage’ people and Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables’. They are Barack Obama’s black ‘misogynistic’ men who ignored his embarrassing scolding and voted for Trump believing he would serve them better than a black woman who was nothing more than a cliche trope of DEI. The forgotten people finally had their say and said it loud and clear – we have had enough of being ignored and taken advantage of! We have had enough of destructive woke DEI policies, open borders, illegal immigration, high prices, rampant crime, big government spending and being accused of racism at every turn we voice our concerns. That is the big take away, but what are the others?
The dishonesty, impotency and death of the regime media. Whether this will be the final nail in its coffin still remains to be seen. However, its degree of deception, deceit and corruption in ramping up its toxic hateful rhetoric in a fervent attempt to frame Trump as a Nazi, a fascist, a dictator and a ‘danger’ to democracy can only be described as reaching mythical heights of hysteria. They took the art of hyperbole and gas lighting to new levels, while seeming to set aside any fears, or concerns or to even consider their own complicity in the previous two attempts on Trump’s life and the fact their resurrection of this dangerous rhetoric might have caused yet another one – or perhaps they didn’t care.
Kamala Harris and and her running mate Tim Walz also climbed on board the fascist and Nazi bandwagon. The ‘JOY’ in the Harris-Walz campaign, along with its hopes and aspirations, evaporated, to be subsumed by noxious vitriolic warnings of the evils of electing Trump. Harris’s celebrity surrogates ranging from the ‘great and powerful’ Obama and Oprah to the wacky hens of ‘The View’ also threw around incendiary terms of Nazi, fascist, and dictator to describe Trump decrying that he was a ‘threat to democracy, and women — as they ginned up the abortion fear mongering. They followed this up with shaming or bullying various voter groups, they believed they ‘owned,’ into casting their ballots for Harris.

The ultimate low point in the regime media’s attempts to paint Trump as the next Hitler came during his rally in New York City at Madison Square Garden as they again ramped up their Nazi rhetoric. MSNBC actually dug up footage of a Nazi event that took place at the old Madison Square Gardens back in 1939 in a shameful effort to try and add credence to this absurd notion. It was seen as it should have been by most viewers — not just act of desperation, but also act of deceit providing yet another reason to distrust anything the regime media says. Trump’s rally was attended by some 20,000 Trump supporters, while it is estimated that another 80,000 waited in line ups outside to get in or simply support Trump. Did MSNBC really believe all these people were Nazis, or perhaps just stupid ‘useful idiots’ supporting a ‘fascist’? Either way it was insulting and demeaning by any standard.
And it all backfired much in the same way that Hillary Clinton labelling Trump voters as deplorables did. But, perhaps, the most ironic and comedic element of this event came when Joe Biden crawled out of his cave, during Harris’s campaign speech finale at the White House, and called Trump supporters garbage during a zoom call he was having with an organization called Voto Latino. His remark was, of course, referencing a joke made by insult comic Tony Hinchcliffe, who, as part of his act at the Trump rally referred to the island of Puerto Rico as garbage, sparking a major controversy and meltdown by the regime media giving them more fodder to label the entire rally as racist.
The cast of characters in the regime media’s show of shows swiftly took it upon themselves to explain away Biden’s ‘comments by adding an apostrophe to his statement – thereby altering it to make it appear he wasn’t actually calling Trump voters garbage, but rather the comment made by Hinchcliffe. I guess the final take away on this is that calling Trump and Trump supporters Nazis and fascists is fine, but calling them garbage — according to the regime media and the Harris campaign — was just a bridge too far. You just can’t make this stuff up.
Another takeaway… celebrity endorsements are not a path to victory. It may have been once upon a time, but not with many Americans, who recognize that these ‘woke’ elites, who support many elements of DEI, know nothing about the lives of ordinary people, and care even less. Many fly around in their private jets and live in multiple giant mansions in gated communities while preaching to the common folks about climate change and reducing their carbon footprint and that the rise in crime isn’t real. Regular people know hypocrisy when they see it, over and over and over again.
The cast of celebrities who shilled for Harris is impressive. First there was Oprah who dedicated what could only be described as a televised gala event for Kamala to pave her path to the presidency. Other Kamala fans included Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Whoopi Goldberg, Cardi B, George Clooney, Jamie Lee Curtis, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Anniston, and Michael Keaton, the list goes on and on, but voters were not moved by their glowing endorsements. The bottom line on the message to Hollywood elites from the ‘commoners’ is – “We don’t believe you and we don’t care what you think, you pretend for a living and make obscene amounts of money for doing so. You can entertain us, but stop preaching to us.” Independent political commentator and host of the Megyn Kelly Show podcast — Megyn Kelly, perhaps put it best on her show in the aftermath of the election, and had these words for Winfrey and J-Lo.
What this all really adds up to is that you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear – and that’s what Kamala Harris was — she was a bad candidate, plain and simple. Her only qualifications for Vice-President were her gender and her skin colour. President Joe Biden made no bones about the fact that he would appoint a female of colour to the post and he appointed her. During her tenure as VP she consistently polled as one of the most unlikable and unpopular VPs to ever hold the post. Why the Democrats thought this would change through the magic of a glamorized media campaign in which they hoped to keep her in the shadows is a mystery, that I am sure they are still dissecting.
Harris was what I would describe as an empty vessel — she had nothing of substance to offer voters other than Joe Biden’s abysmal track record — for which she said repeatedly in various interviews she would not change. Democrats and their media supporters seemed to think if they just trotted her out in glowing venues such as Oprah’s show, and Democrat-friendly talks shows like ‘The View’ it would be enough to convince voters she was their “gal”. But despite their best efforts she couldn’t connect with the average person and failed at almost every opportunity during the four-month campaign to make an impact.
When it became clear that more would be required to get her over the top, so to speak she finally hit the interview circuit. Yet, even in the friendliest of circumstances she dodged questions and flip flopped on key issues without offering any real explanations or depth to her answers. Instead she produced lengthy, often incomprehensible word salads repeating her key talking points ad nauseam. Such tropes as — I was raised in a middle class family — the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the American people — developing an ‘opportunity based economy’ soon fell on deaf ears. To voters it looked phony, over rehearsed, insincere, and quite frankly like she was scared of saying the wrong thing. The parade of accents that she sometimes used in her responses and speeches also did not go over well and only contributed to what people saw as a facade.
And when all else failed, particularly during her one really tough interview with Bret Baier on Fox News she resorted to Trump bashing which only got worse throughout the campaign. The bottom line was people kept asking who Kamala Harris was, but never got an answer, because perhaps she doesn’t really know herself.
And while Donald Trump and J.D. Vance were happy to sit down for three hour conversations on Joe Rogan’s podcast — the Joe Rogan Experience — she would not, missing the opportunity to reach an audience of some 15 million people. The reason was clear — she didn’t have the confidence or wherewith all to do it — because she is an empty vessel.
On one final note, as the Democrats and their regime media still try to come to terms with Trump’s win and the incredible thumping they took one has to wonder if there be some self-reflection or introspection into why this happened and how they got things so terribly wrong. Thus far it would seem not to be the case, as the late night talk show hosts — who are also mouth pieces for the Democratic Party couldn’t wait, once they got past their tears, to begin bashing not only Trump, but the people who voted for him. Jimmy Kimmel made a special effort to tell Trump voters that is was “a terrible night for them, but they just didn’t realize that yet,” because, he certainly understands better than they, why they would do something as stupid and dangerous as casting their ballot for Trump. The height of their arrogance and lack of self-awareness is almost breathtaking.
I will end this with a message from Dave Portnoy who owns Barstool Sports. He is a Democrat who voted for Trump, because he had no choice and because Democrats just don’t seem to be getting the message the American people sent to them.
I think that deserves an excellent Roxanne. Covers the points I think. I have done something just now myself, but yours gives me more food for thought - not that I need more as my mind is overflowing as it is!
As to Democrats and self-reflection or introspection, that is an oxymoron, they will blame anyone but themselves.
Excellent summary of how it all went downhill for the Democrats and the continued ignorance by the political and Hollywood elite of the appeal of Trump (and the team behind him). Unlike the elites he’s listening to the working middle class of America and offering them real hope for a better future. Let’s hope Canadians similarly see through Trudeau and his acolytes and vote them out in 2025.