I guess my main takes from reading the Deeper Dive report are:

1) Vaccination was important to reduce hospitalization and death in the older population..notably 70 and up but even 60 and up. We knew the elderly were the main ones at risk from very early on so not sure why we all needed to get the vaccination. I b.elieve its even more nuanced than this. It was often people with comorbidities that died and had serious health issues and of course this is way more likely in the elderly. But I am pretty sure healthy elderly people with no comorbidities likely did quite well without the vaccine.

We should have made sure the elderly got the shots especially the sick elderly and put resources into isolating them notably in nursing homes. The unvaccinated in these age groups were multiple times more likely to be in the hospital or die.

2) Not sure what the point of their point 2 is? Of course early on most cases were in unvaccinated as nobody was vaccinated and eventually the vast majority of people were vaccinated hence most hospital cases and deaths were in the vaccinated. The real question which do they do get to later is what are the rates of hospitalization and death per 100000 in both groups.

3) Their point 3 makes no sense to me other than make it appear that the vaccines were completely uselesss. By just showing the actual number of cases in the hospital without taking into account the size of the vaccinated versus unvaccinated group is misleading. For instance they show roughly 5 to 6 times more vaccinated people in the hospital by June 2022. Yet by then 85 percent or more of the population was vaccinated. In the 60+ group it was 92 percent which were the most likely to be in the hospital. Hence there were 6 to 11 times more vaccinated people than unvaccinated people in the population. Luckily they make up for this in points 4 to 7. There is also no mention of the fact that the unvaccinated are going to clearly be a younger healthier group hence way less likely to have severe outcomes in any case. The weakest in society of course would all be taking the vaccine but even so in many cases it was not enough as they were such sick people to begin with.

4) There were clearly many vaccine injuries notably among the youngest who had no benefit in taking the vaccine. They were the ones screwed the most in the end. They and many of us were effectively forced to take it otherwise no job, no school, no activities, no travel and no life. Thats having a gun at your head so anyone who tells me no one was forced can stuff it.

Even though I agree with what this report is trying to say it felt like they were trying to present the information at times in a way to really make it look like the vaccines were totally useless when in fact they were quite useful for the elderly (likely the sick elderly). I think they could have worded their points 2 and 3 in a more objective way and still make the case.

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Good analysis. But I think what the report was trying to demonstrate was that the vaccines, except for the very elderly and very ill, were useless. It doesn't really matter what the ratio between vaccinated and unvaccinated was, the fact that any vaccinated people were in hospital clearly underscores that for the vast majority of people, vaccines were completely ineffective. This and this alone, should have halted all the of the vaccine mandates. I suppose the report could have drilled down into the data a bit more and showed hositalization and ICU rates by age group. But, I believe the report's recommendations at the end were right on the money. Stop all the mandates and forced vaccines, period. This report was released in June 2022. The fact of the matter is the data from very early on was telling the same story. As I said, my husband and I were considered fully vaccinated by June of 2021. And yet, by the fall of 2021, less than four months after having had our last shot the government was already talking about boosters, because the effectiveness of the vaccines was wearing off. It wasn't that the effectiveness was wearing off, it was they were never effective in the first place. As for helping the elderly, I think that still remains to be seen. For example as I mentioned earlier, my husband and I were both in our late sixties when the pandemic began. Both of us being x-military, we have remained in good physical condition, and had no underlying illnesses nor were we overweight. And as I said, we never caught COVID, and were not particularly careful in terms of wearing masks, or even hand washing. I never used the hand sanitizers posted outside every store. My friend who was in her early sixties, who was overweight and had type 2 diabetes, was vaccinated and boosted (twice) and she got COVID 4 times. She was never hospitalized, but a couple of bouts had her out of commission for a week or so. So maybe the vaccine worked for her in terms of keeping her out of the hospital, but they sure didn't work in keeping her from getting infected. What upsets me the most about this whole nonsense about vaccines, is how young people like my daughter were essentially forced to take them so they could go to bloody university and children!! Trudeau was pushing these vaccines on kids like they were candy, when it was abundantly clear that kids were at a very low risk of having a bad outcome from COVID. Or how some other young people, a young mother I know was so totally brainwashed about the whole COVID narrative that she actually had her 6 month old daughter vaccinated against COVID. We have no idea of the long term effects of these vaccines on kids. I followed the PHAC health statistics on COVID deaths and hospitalizations throughout the pandemic. They knew from those statistics, from very early on, that kids and young people were not at a high risk of dying of COVID yet they pushed these vaccines on them anyhow. Someone needs to be held accountable.

I wrote this piece for my substack back in the fall of 2022 https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/covid-vaccine-frenzy-follies-and

I also did my own deep dive into overall death statistics during early COVID and found some interesting trends.https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/statistics-canada-mortality-charts

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I have also read that in many jurisdictions around the world that 90 percent or more of the deaths from COVID were in people with 2 or more comorbities..ie diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. So my take is that the vast majority of these people were in the elderly group hence also the higher death rates there. So a healthy older person likely would have had a much lower death rate than the stats showed in this paper as they were all lumped in together. Obesity was another big factor also.

The vaccines clearly were not as effective as they claimed initially. Rememeber back in November 2020 when the 95 percent effective claims were broadcast across the media for the new pfizer vaccine and then similar numbers for moderna. In the end the vaccine efficacy lasted maybe 3 to 4 months and it certainly did not stop infection nor transmission which was also implied in the beginning. In my opinion this was never really a true vaccine as you ended up having to take it forever basically for it to have any chance to work. I dont recalll any other vaccine I have ever taken that needed more thab 2 shots..what shot number are people now on..7, 8, 9. 10 and counting??? This is a glorified flu shot that is often out of date by the time each new version is released as the virus has mutated again. They even changed the definition of vaccine in the dictionary to include this new gene therapy experiment. They were scared to label it for what it really was..gene therapy..it was never a true vaccine in the sense we all understood.

I had a colleague who couldnt wait for the vaccine to come out for her 2 year old daughter! She had kept her girl at home and away from any activities to protect her since she was born. I felt so sorry for this poor child. And this lady was a very well educated scientifically trained woman but she just could not see how pointless it would be for her daughter to get these shots and also how harmful it might be. I didnt even bother trying to change her mind as you could tell at that time which people were totally brainwashed by the media and government. She would have thought I was insane for suggestring otherwise. But so many children were injected with this vaccine and for absolutely nothing. We knew from day 1 that children had basically zero risk..they had far greater risk of dying from a regular flu than covid yet parents never gave them flu shots before.

There were just so many instances of behaviour around me that made no sense and it was all driven by fear. Fear makes even the brightest people do stupid things. I saw very well educated people doing the craziest things..I think in many cases it was more the blue collar type people who reacted the best as they always have way more common sense.

It was a shocking 2 years that I have a hard time believing even happened sometimes. But now all the elites just want to brush this under the carpet and move on as if nothing happened. The media were actually the worst in all of this as they scared the crap out of people for months and months and never provided balanced coverage on this. The media does what it usually does..it sensationalizes every story to try and get everryone hooked on their drama. I mean what was the point of displaying COVID numbers on the news every single day for 2 years other than to terrify people. Imagine doing this for cancer deaths, heat diseases deaths, car accidents, etc. Eventually people would be terrified of those also if you talk about it 24/7. The media demonized many credible and world renowned scientists,,they promoted mistruths, they fed us all many lies and misinformation for years and they continue to do so..shame on them. But they control the narrative still but bit by bit people are finding other places to get their information.

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May 10·edited May 10Author

It is truly amazing how many people swallowed the whole COVID narrative hook, line and sinker. I do think people are waking up, for example I think government's like Trudeau's and many others who have been pushing the climate change agenda, much in the same way they pushed COVID are going to have a tougher time selling it. I think more and more people are realizing it is just another fear mongering piece of baloney designed to again compel compliance to some pretty nutty government actions.

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